Monday, August 29, 2011

iPhone 3Gs HD Video iOS 4+

The difference:
Hello readers!
So... Just Jailbroke my iPhone 3Gs and reminded my self about the HD video recording for iPhone 3Gs...
Just enabled this hack to mine and got in mind that I could share this with you!
So here is a tutorial about how you do it.
What you need:
1. Jailbroken iPhone 3Gs.
2. WinSCP (Windows) Fugu (Mac).
3. OpenSSH.
When you have all this, you can start by open up WinSCP/Fugu.

"Host name" is your iPhone adress.
default username and password is root and alpine.

Now, we need the modified files. You can download them here.
After that, go to:

Rename these files:
Almoste done.
Now just go to the folder where you have your hacked files and transfer them to your phone.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Creation of websites

 So today I thought I'd try to show you how you can start if you want to learn more about how web design works! (Watch the film that is under all this text if there is something that you don't understand). 

You can use any software you want but I will use Dreamweaver and Photoshop (CS5) !

  • So... First you want to make a style sheet (css document). This is a file that tells the browser how big all the boxes shall be (when you create a website you make everything in boxes!). When you have done that you have to make a html document. Notice that both files need to be in the same folder.
  • Then we need to write some code that tells the browser where the style sheet is. We can do this by typing:
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> "  in the html document. (Do this inside the <head> </head> tag!).

  • Next we need to the something about how the side is going to look like. Like the background etc. We can do this by typing something simpel like this:
    body {
    } which tells the browser that the background colour of our site will be lime green!
  • After this we going to make our fist box! And this will be a box that will have everything inside it. Start by fist switch to the .css file and type this:
    #container {
    } You can also add: " margin:0 auto; " if you want the site in middle.
  • Next thing to do is to make the box readable in the browser. We will make this by typing this in the html file:<div id="container"></div>
    Now when we have the box that all the content will be in, we are able to make some menu buttoms and a box for some text. To do this we need to make some more tags (#).Do this by typing this in the css file:
    #menu { width:500px; height:40px; margin: 0 auto;}
    Now, lets make the menu bar readable for the browser! We can do this by typing this:
    <div id="menu"></div>In the index.html file.
    Next out is the box we want for typing our text! We will do this by typing this:
    #textbox { width:550px; height:auto; margin: 0 auto;}In the style file.
    Then we want it readable in the browser ofc. Just do as normal, type this:
    <div id="textbox"></div>In the .html file.
    Now we going to make something different. A box that tells that you are the owner of the page you just made. This is the footer. we can make one like this by typing something like this in the style.css file:
    #footer { width:500px; height:30px; margin: 0 auto;}
    And as normal we need it in the index.html file. But now, this box wont be inside the container box that we made at the beginning! So now, we will put this after the end of that box. which is after the alone </div> tag. Remember that you can take a look at the video below if you dont understand.Type this in the index.html file:
    <div id="footer"></div>
    Now we got the main boxes. Now we are about to make some of the smal things that makes the site more useful etc. Some of the things is the menu buttoms. We can make those by typing this:
    ccs:#menybuttom { width:70px; height:40px; float:left;}
    html (inside the menu tag):<div id="menybuttom"></div>
    Copy and paste the html code after how many menu buttoms you want.
    That´s about it. Now it´s just to type where the buttoms are pointing inside the menybuttom tags. Like "home" or "info". And the same inside the textbox tag.If you want to know more, follow me!Or watch the  video tutorial.
    Video tutorial:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Photo Editing

So, today I was edeting som photos that I took when I was outside riding my bike... Here is some of the results.
                            Original                      Edited       

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LED lamps replaces the sun..?

A company from the company "PlantLab" has just made a big faktory that uses a led technology instead of the sun to grov plants and stuff. Well it´s one thing thats make me laugh abit, The comany is located in Netherlands. What do you think I believe that the purpose of these lights are for? hehehe....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

iPhone gameing apps

So.. iPhone apps!
I have a few awesome game apps om my iPhone that i like. If you are one of my true followers you already know that I like Minecraft! Thats why my Nr ¹iPhone app is Eden! With this app, you can play minecraft online with your iPhone!

Number two is the Real racing app! it's just so awesome! you just HAVE to check it out!

Last one is a new game called Dream:scape it isnt released yet but I think it will be awesome!
Some of the futures that looks awesome is that it will include an open world that you will be able to ride in!
Read more here:


Monday, April 11, 2011


Haha, so... Today me and my classmates made a "cheese run". This is what it looked like :D!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Minecraft server


So, today i was like really bored so I decided to create a Minecraft server!
So basically i just created a normal server with the bukkit mod.

The pluggins that i´m jusing is iChat, Essentials, Helios, LoginQueue, Permissions and WorldEdit.

What the plugins do is following:

iChat – mods the text that the users are typing colours and stuff.

Essentials – gives the users beginner kits to new players etc.

Helios – Makes the server to be in Day mode 24/7.

LoginQueue – Puts player in a Queue if the server is full on players.

Permissions – Gives players permissions to many different things.

WorldEdit – Makes the crafting more fun 

Join my server if you want! To do this just enter in the multiplayer connect bar!

This is wath the server looks like now:
Just a world...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Help researchers to conquer cancer

If you're just checking your email and your friends pictures on Facebook, your computer is not using most of its power. While you're doing your normal computer stuff, your computer could also be contributing to important not-for-profit scientific research solving global problems...

You can do this by just installing an easy program caled boinc. This is a program that calcutales things that researchers need while working. 

The program runs in the background while you are chatting and doing other light wheight programs on your computer. You can also make the program to just work while the computer isnt in use. Or if your gaming, the program automatically shut down if the game or program uses lots of computer power. 

You can join the World Community Grid at facebook here: . Ore just go to their homepage here:

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Start by
Start Windows and then download CPU-Z. It can be found here: Look for your CPU volt, to the right of "Core Voltage". You can also check the bottom, after your multiplier for later use to calculate your  CPU speed. Write these numbers on a piece of paper or similar. Only you have it on hand for later use. Prepare yourself by finding a manual profile for the processing unit (CPU) in the bios .. In my case, it is under Advanced and then under "JumperFree Configuration". And at the "AI Overclocking" I choose the profile manual.

Here it begins
Start by finding somewhere where you can set your "CPU Vcore Voltage". When you made it so, enter the volts that you took from the "Core Voltage" in CPU-Z. If you want you can now save and restart the computer and go into Windows and check CPU-Z if it looks right. It is normal that the voltage does not always end up in exactly the same speed. Once you've done this so you can restart your computer again and then go back to bios again.Look now for a profile where you can set your CPU frequency. This is what you change to raise your CPU Mhz . Start by increase 10-20 and then restart your computer. To do so, just select the CPU Frequency and then you just need to enter your speed. Once you've made it so you save your changes and then restart the computer to go back into Windows. Now, start CPU-Z and check if your Mhz has changed.

Keep track of the temperature!
You can do this through several different options, I recommend that you use a program called "Real Temp". Otherwise, it´s easy to check temps in bios, but then, youre not able to see what your CPU temperature is it´s stressed. A last option is if the Intel gadget if you use windows 7 or Vista. It can be found here>

The last thing you should do is to stress your CPU to see if your CPU is stable or not.To do this, you can use the Intel Burn Test, it can be found here> If your CPU does not seem stable, you can go back to bios and test with different settings and then try again. Clear signs that your CPU is not stable is that for example, you get the BSOD.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tänkte visa några av mina gratis, favorit apps som jag har på min iPhone.
Min största favorit är Facebook appen!
Facebook för iPhone gör det enkelt att hålla kontakten och dela information med vänner. Använd din iPhone för att starta en konversation med Facebook chaten, kolla in dina vänners senaste bilder och statusuppdateringar, slå upp ett telefonnummer, eller ladda upp dina egna mobil bilder till Facebook på resande fot.
Min nästa app är Spotify.
Spotify öppnar din iPhone till en värld av musik. Ta dina befintliga Spotify spellistor med dig på resande fot - lyssna till dem medans du pendlar, är på gymmet eller på en flygresa. Med "Offline-läge" kan du lyssna trots att inget samband finns. Trådlöst kan du synkronisera lokala filer till telefonen tillsamans med med spotify, utan kablar! Dock kräver det att du har ett Spotify Premium konto.
Tredje appen är Spelet Godfinger.
Öppna slutVar en omtänksam gud eller en destruktiv demagog. Gå upp i level för att låsa upp nya underverk ta makten över dina anhängare samt deras ekonomi. Du kan bland annat styra om det ska vara sol, regn, åska, brand eller översvämning.
Se över din världVarje beslut du gör påverkar utseendet på din planet. Använd regn växa en öken oas, tät skog eller frodiga regnskogar. Använd solen för att befolka din värld med exotiska blommor. Aktivera kraftfulla runor och din planet kommer att expandera - ger mer mark att forma.
Utöka dina krafterTjäna guld, utför underverk och sätt dina anhängare i arbete för att få erfarenheter. Levla upp för låsa upp kraftfulla föremål, byggnader och underverk att utföra på din anhängare.
Var en gud bland dina vännerBjud in dina Plus+ vänner i din värld och få dem att dyrka dig. Ge dem en förskräckelse med ditt underverk eller förvandla dem till kraftfulla Mystics för att tjäna en cool bonus. Skicka presenter och vykort till dem.
Spela Godfinger vart du en är!Ditt spel sparas automatiskt i plus +. Det innebär att du kan logga in på någon annan enhet och fortsätta spela där du slutade. Spela på din IPAD när du är hemma, fortsätt sedan ditt spel på din iPhone eller iPod touch på resande fot.
PubbliceringPubblicera dina händelser, som tex när du går upp i level eller klarar av ett achievement via Facebook eller Twitter!
Fjärde är den feta appen Bump
Bump gör det lätt att dela med sig av saker med människor så enkelt som att stöta två telefoner tillsammans. Välj bara vad du vill skicka, sen håller du upp två telefoner och försiktigt stöter ihop händerna med en annan person som använder Bump. Dela bilder, kontakter, kalender händelser (iOS4 bara), bli vänner på Facebook, Twitter och LinkedIn, eller varför inte jämföra gemensamma vänner? Med mera! När du har bumpat någon, så kan ni hålla kontakten gratis via Bump.
Min sissta gratis app är Bambuser.

Direktinspelning av video från din iPhone. 3G eller WiFi till vänner, familj och anhängare över hela världen!
Se inkommande chattmeddelanden, som sänds i offentlig eller privat, och geotagga dina sändningar med hjälp av GPS.
Bambuser har även ett integrerat brett utbud av globala plattformar av sociala nätverk såsom Facebook, Twitter och Myspace och du kan naturligtvis också visa en Bambuser-kanal eller en viss video på din egen blogg eller hemsida - det är upp till dig att avgöra var du vill dela med dig av.
Kräver registrering på - det tar mindre än en minut och det är gratis.